Monday, 22 August 2011

build a better blog free ebooks download

8 Free eBooks That Have Helped Many a Lot

Are you wondering what you should do with your life? Are you looking for ways to make money online? Or are you looking for the best FREE eBooks that are out there on Internet Business, Internet Marketing, Blogging, Business, Making It Big Online, Social Networking and everything you want to know about these things?
Here is a list of 8(+1) eBooks I read when I started and they have changed how I look at the Internet, my blogging, business and to some extent, my life.
If you have been in the online business or blogosphere for some time already, there's a good chance you have read these books, but if you haven't -- I can't recommend these enough. The most amazing thing about this information is that...

8 eBooks 100% FREE

There's one (at the end of this post) that costs less than $20, but you can skip that if you're don't want to spend any money right now. So 8 FREE eBooks and one that you can purchase. Actually 2 of the free books on my list are also available as printed books, but you can still download them for free as PDFs, which is quite amazing.
As a side note, on the year 2008 the authors of these eBooks (5+2 Authors, 8+1 Books) made combined income of more than TEN MILLION (10,000,000) us dollars (not all of these author's have made their earnings public so I had to guesstimate for some, but the scale is about right).
OK, that's a bit of a sales pitch right there, but the point is that I have learned a lot from these eBooks and wanted you to experience the same.
If you take this free information, and implement the ideas, tips, tactics and strategies into your life and online business, you will do a lot better than without. And after all the information is free, so there is no risk.

How To Get the Free eBooks?

The eBooks on the list are free (apart from one at the end of the list), BUT for some of the books, you do have to sign-up for a mailing list and confirm that subscription before you can download the eBook PDF. Don't worry, you can unsubscribe as soon as you get the eBook if you want. But I would recommend staying on the mailing lists and see what you get from there, I see the lists as a free bonus on top of the free content up front (the eBook).
YES, the authors are promoting their services with these free reports and eBooks - apart from maybe Seth Godin, but he is one of a kind - but you do not have to buy or join anything and you will not be forced to anything, the eBooks are totally free. After all, you only signing for the free material with your name and email.
Unless you choose to join or check the offered services of course, which is perfectly fine, because some of the services and coaching programs these guys and girls offer are top-notch, kick-ass, worth thousands of dollars kind of stuff. If you decide to try some of the coaching and services these fellows offer, then you will sign-up for the actual payments, not before.
If the author is promoting his/her services with the free eBook, I've used an affiliate link provided by the author, so if you choose to buy or join what these experts are promoting, I'll be getting a commission for it and for those, I thank you dearly. Like said, I didn't write this post to earn money, but to tell you where I got a lot of information when I started.
So here's how it goes...
  1. click on the links below to get where you can get the eBook(s)
  2. sign-up for a mailing list if there is one
  3. confirm the subscription if needed
  4. download the FREE eBook
  5. read it
  6. use the information you learned from it
  7. take action
  8. (stay on the mailing list to learn even more)
  9. (don't feel obligated to "buy" anything unless you want to)
Now, go and DOWNLOAD at these eBooks and READ'EM.

Everyone is an Expert (on Something) by Seth Godin

"THIS BOOK is for anyone who wants more online traffic, more revenue, more followers, more attention, more interest, more donations or more influence. The paradox, of course, is that the best way to get all these things is by delivering less. This is a book about focus and meaning. Feel free to share it." -Seth Godin (page 1 of the book)
The Search for Meaning Online... if you're second guessing yourself about whether you can "make it" online or not, or if you are thinking about a topic for your blog or just uncertain what you want to do, read this book. In addition to being quite inspirational, it's also a introduction and the "Lenses" you can build there, which you can you to drive traffic to your site or just make useful pages about a topic you know a lot about (you know, that's why the book is titled "everyone is an expert on something" after all). The book is marvellous and Squidoo can definitely be a great addition to your online marketing ways.

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

from ChangeThis, I selected this masterpiece by Chris Anderson, (Editor-in-Chief of Wired at the time this was first written, now "Emeritus Editor"), wrote that the future belongs to those that serve the millions of untapped niche markets as well as they serve the masses. Download and read his manifesto to find out how all this can revolutionize your business and success online. The Long Tail was revised and published as a book on 2006 so if you like the PDF book you can buy the book here: Long Tail, The, Revised and Updated Edition: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More.
Note that there's a lot of free eBooks/pdf's in the - so browse around after getting this and see if you happen to find more to read from there (I'm sure you will)

Rich Schefren’s Internet Business Manifesto

"you will look back on this day as the one day that changed everything... and started you down the path (or got you “back” on the path) to online wealth and personal freedom." -Rich Schefren (Internet Business Manifesto)
If you would download and read just one eBook from this page, make it this one. Period.
Rich Schefren's Blog at StrategicProfits.

The Roadmap to Become a Blogger by Gideon Shalwick & Yaro Starak

This is where you should begin if you're a blogger, think about starting a blog, download The Roadmap to Become a Blogger, watch the videos Gideon and Yaro have put out and you're on the right track.

Blog Profits Blueprint by Yaro Starak

After reading the Roadmap to Become a Blogger and watching the Become a Blogger videos, you're in for a treat..
Yaro's Blog Profits Blueprint is the greatest source of information if you're looking to making money from blogging. Even if you just want to learn about blogging, what's it about, how to write good content, it's all in the Blog Profits Blueprint.
Yaro's blog and this eBook changed my blogging life, made me move from blogspot to WordPress and start planning for bigger things. There is incredible amount of information on this one and if I would have to recommend you one eBook about blogging, it would be this one. If you want to learn how Yaro has built his success and how you can monetize your blog, or start a blog and make money out of it, get inspired and enthusiastic about this like me and go download it now. and read it!
or listen to it! as Yaro has published all his reports, including this one, as an audio version - what better way to utilize the time you're on the road or sitting on a place?

Rich Schefren's The Entrepreneurial EMERGENCY

Rich Schefren is productive, isn't he! Rich's publications are always on my to-read list and so is this one. This book really send me thinking, is there something that is holding me back? Is there something that is blocking my path? If you're wondering what you could to do to reach the success you're looking for, either online or offline, in business or in personal life, read this book.

Unleashing the Ideavirus By Seth Godin

This book was created at the start of the century (isn't it great to be able to say that?), but it's still fresh, like most Seth's works.
Note! This is also available as "real book", but you can download it on pdf on this page. Isn't the Internet a great place? You can read a full book, almost 200 pages, for free by downloading it on a PDF format. Share it with your friends. And buy the actual book IF YOU WANT TO?

Six Figure Blogger Blueprint by David Risley

I had this list nearly done and this was just published (less than a day ago), so I haven't read it yet as I downloaded it like a minute ago and decided to add it as a bonus on this list because it was written by David Risley and I've been reading his personal blog, the PC Mechanic site and watching his free videos for quite some time, so I'm guessing this book has some great stuff in it. And it's free like the other eBooks on this list (apart from the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog "non-free" bonus to the list).
The six figure blogger blueprint is part of David's Blog Masters Club coaching program, which I have taken and can recommend if you're looking to build an online business and utilize the power of blogging while at it. Again, the eBook is free, the eCourse is not, but you will not be forced to join anything so enjoy the free eBook -- it's good stuff!

8+1. 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

31 Days to Build a Better Blog eBook is a resource that is designed to bring life and revitalization to your blog again and again as you continue to use it over coming months and years.
problogger net 31dbbb ebook copy 8 Free eBooks That Have Helped Me a LotAll the above eBooks are free as I've mentioned, this one is not. It costs about twenty bucks. The 31 Days to Build a Better Blog workbook was created by Darren Rowse,
If I had to recommend one book or one product that someone running a blog should get, it's this one.
Because it's an eBook (and not a physical book), you can download it instantly and put it into action.
The book can be used as an constant task list for your blog, starting from the beginning when done with everything.
If you read the 31DBBB workbook and follow the instructions and take the actions, you will have a better blog and you will gain more exposure on the blogosphere -- the advice has been tested and proven by thousands, including Darren himself for several blogs.
I bought the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog workbook when it was published and I think it is the best investment I have made as a blogger. For less than $20 it has improved my blogging and blogs tremendously and more than any other book I’ve read about blogging. With that, I am proud to recommend it to you (and use my affiliate link).

Why Should You Read These eBooks

You tell me. I read them, I loved them and wanted to share these with you.
And I genuinely believe, that if you read these, take even a bit of the advice in the books and implement it, you can't help but do good.
Freedom of choice. Like this list. Take your pick.
Here's more posts like to this:
  1. Get Free eBooks to Boost Your Online Success
  2. What Free eBooks You Have Read Recently and Would Like to Recommend to Others?
  3. The Power of Free Downloadable eBooks

      Sunday, 21 August 2011

      2012 End of the World: Is The World Going To End In 2012?

      Is the world going to end in 2012? This is probably the most asked question, lately. Well, maybe it will, maybe it won't. There are several ways of knowing. Lets check out in this article if 2012 end of the world predictions hold any truth and if the end of the world in 2012, is really going to occur!
      Be it Nostradamus, the Quran, the Bible or science. They all say that the world will come to an end, someday. However, will that day come in 2012? Well, some say yes, and some, no! Let us see different explanations and calculations about the Armageddon or end of the world.

      To start off with, as I always say, "When fear takes over, intelligence and common sense take off". Well it may not be entirely true. Especially with regard to the Armageddon-like perceptions of the year 2012. The future is unforeseen, believe it or not. But there are too many arguments to support both sides of the debate. If it is so, then how is the world going to end in 2012? and if this unforeseen and unexplainable event does occur, why is the world going to end in 2012? Let us see.

      Mayans Prediction
      The Mayans and their esteemed calender have gained a lot of popularity. Well, why not? The Mayan Calender put forth that the end of the world would take place some time in winter solstice 2012. As per the Mayan calender, a month had 20 days, a year had 360 days, a Katun was a span of 7200 days and a baktun was that of 144,000 days. Now, coming to their prediction, the world is to last for exactly 13 baktun cycles. That would make it 1,872,000 days. Their calender started on 3114-AUG-13 BCE with the birth of Venus. After calculation, it was found that the world would end in 2012. The Mayan calender is known for its accuracy in predictions. It predicted "the rise of White Man Gods from the Sea", on March 5th 1519, which was the exact date of the rise of Cortes and his Conquistadors from the waters. So coming to our question, is the world going to end in 2012? According to the Mayans, yes! Read more on the Mayan Culture.

      The Pope's Declaration
      We will see the opinion of the Bible later, however, Pope Leo IX made a very important declaration in 1514. He stated, "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence." So, on calculations, one can speculate a lot. By this calculation, the world should see its end in 2014. Yes, two years after the prediction made by the Mayans, but then, He was the Pope, so his declaration holds value, doesn't it? So, is the world going to end in 2012? According to Pope Leo IX, no!

      Read more on the end of the world.

      Triple six is probably this millennium's most mystical number. Belonging to the devil and doom, I am sure it has some link to the 2012 end of the world predictions. So on doing some research, I found out that with reference to the 666 calculation, the world was predicted to come to an end in 1998 (clearly, it misfired). Many people sold all their belongings, ignored their work and fields and rushed for pilgrimages in 1998. However, when new year 1999 came, they were highly disappointed. However, later it was said that approximately 603,729 died in 6th of July 1998. So, technically the rapture (a concept in Christianity relating to the return of Jesus) did take place. However, because of the vastness of the earth's population, these 603,729 deaths went unnoticed. The rest were to suffer tribulation until the next rapture. The next rapture, as per Eli Eshoh, should be in 2028, following a lot of instability in the world. So, once again, is the world going to end in 2012? Well, as per the Triple Six mystery, no!

      The Bible
      After seeing what a Pope predicted and declared, now lets understand what the Holy Bible has to say in this regard. As per the Bible, the world will be struck by a certain plague. This plague will cause panic and death. Three years post this plague's announcement, 2/3rd of the world's population will have died, either due to the plague or otherwise. This will mark the beginning of the end of the world. In light of this fact, the world has been struck by "H1N1" or "Swine" flu - the plague. As per WHO reports and hospital surveys, it has been observed that at the rate at which this flu is affecting the world, in a span of three years, 2/3rd of the world's population could be wiped out by it. Sound familiar? So, as per the holy Bible, is the world going to end in 2012? Well, yes, as opposed to Pope Leo IX, maybe it will! Read for more on the BIble.

      The Sybillian Prophecies
      "The world will last for 9 periods of 800 years each and the 10th generation will begin approximately 2000 AD. And it will be the last. These things in the tenth generation shall come to pass. The earth shall be shaken by a great earthquake that throws many cities into the sea. There shall be war. Fire shall come flashing forth from the heavens and many cities burn. Black ashes shall fill the great sky. Then know the anger of the Gods "
      Sybil was an oracle. In spite of being the best of her time, Sybil is not very well known in recent times. It was believed that when making a prophecy, Sybil went into a trance like state and the God Apollo would possess her body. This is how her prophecies were always true. She predicted the birth of Jesus as the "Man who would bring peace". In fact, her prophecy predicted His name as well. "Earth shaking" earthquakes have been seen in the past, and the Tsunami in 2004 and the recent cyclones have seen several cities submerged. As such, looks like Sybil's prophecy about the end of the world in 2012, might come true. So, as per Sybil, is the world going to end in 2012? Most probably, yes!

      Read more on Psychic Predictions.

      The Quran
      The holy book, Quran is one of the most respected pieces of literature, for its scientific approach and accurate calculations about the future. The Quran has stated that the world will come to an end and there will be signs to show that the end is coming. The first being, "splitting of the moon" which has happened, when parts of the moon were brought back to earth for study. The second being the discovery of the Quran's mathematical code. This has also already taken place. The third, the creature "Made from the earth, it alerts the people that they have been oblivious to their Creator." This "creature" is believed to be the computer. The fourth being, appearance of God's messenger. This messenger to inform the world of the last of all the holy scriptures. This prophecy was fulfilled in the month of Ramadan 1408. Seven such prophecies being fulfilled, mark the certainty of the "day of judgment". As per the complex calculations in the Quran, the world will come to an end in 1710 AH, which will be during 2280 AD. So, is the world going to end in 2012? As per the Quran, no, but in 2280, it definitely will! Read more on the Quran.

      Nostradamus, the future prediction expert. Most of Nostradamus' predictions, extraordinarily, have an odd habit of coming true. Nostradamus predicted that World War - III would take place around 1998 in which most of the world's population would perish. The ones who survived would not be able to go on much longer, as the earth would become barren due to the impact of the world war. Well, we are way past 1998, so, seems like this prediction didn't come true. However, it is believed that it has merely been delayed due to the intense tide of prayers (to avoid the war) which took over the world. As per the revisions to the prediction, the war would take place in 2011 - 2012. It is more certain this time. So, is the world going to end in 2012? according to Nostradamus, yes, it is very possible.

      Science is probably the most plausible source of information these days. More so, it is logical and can be followed and believed by everyone. As per science, the sun is slowly expanding and will soon expand and become a big huge red giant. In fact, it will expand to such an extent that it will engulf our little 3rd rock. So, much before this "engulfing" takes place, the heat, gravity and chemical reactions will cause earth to become dead and lifeless. However, this phenomenon will take time to occur, 5 million years to be precise. Before that, there seems to be no immediate threats that would cause mass depletion of the earth's population. So, will the world end in 2012? Well, science doesn't think so! Read more on earth science.

      Many more theories, philosophies and prophecies can be found in this regard. The end of the world is ultimately inevitable but there is no need to become phobic about something very doubtful like, is the world going to end in 2012? Are we, as a species, so worried about a destructive future that we forget to live our present? We cannot stop the world from taking its course into oblivion. It is bound to happen. When? We cannot say with certainty. What we can state with certainty is that the world is a loan that we have from the coming generations. Lets try to preserve it as far as possible, the rest will take care of itself! This is where I sign off!! Hope the doubt in your mind has stopped graduating to a fear and has taken the course of optimism and hope!